Another one bites the dust…goodbye ‘23…hello ‘24

I am a windshield type of gal. I do not like to look back. Put that stuff behind me and hit the road. I love a Monday. A clean slate. An empty sketchbook. An open road. A do-over. I love a new year. The first day of anything. I love change. I love a beginning….You can imagine my excitement that New Year’s Day is on a Monday this year.

I am a dreamer, and if you are anything like me, you don’t feel the need to look back at what has happened when you can dream about what will happen and set goals for the future.

However, as I get older, I see the wisdom in doing a year-end review. (This, of course, can be done weekly, or even daily, if you like) This can aide you in planning for your up-and-coming year (day, month, week, etc.).

I can geek out pretty good on a calendar or planner. Set me up with an empty planner and some pens and highlighters and I am one happy girl. This pleases the future me to no end. This calendar/journal/planner can also help the auditor me. If I look back over my previous year’s calendar I can get a sense of what I was doing. If I scroll through my pictures on my phone I can get an even better idea of what it was I was doing/feeling/accomplishing/enjoying. These things will show me what was beneficial; what was a waste of time; what I will not put into next year’s planner and what I will most definitely want to do again. These tools are so great for reminding yourself of the highlights of your year.

As I audit the past year, to better equip myself for the coming year, I want to notice several things: 1. What are the good things from 2023? What do I want to repeat? 2. What was a lesson from last year? 3. What was hard? 4. What things do I want to not do in 2024? 5. What things do I want to start or continue doing in 2024?

As you see 2023 in your rearview mirror may you use the knowledge that it gave you as you look out your windshield and drive into 2024 wiser. Remember you have made it through every bad day you have ever had. May ‘24 have more of the good, less of the hard, and may joy find you on your journey.

Happy New Year!!!!

2023 Biggest Highlight:


A new year; new daily habits, new word, new pose


the Winter Solstice