Wellness at work part II
Women’s Wellness at Work
ATTITUDE: What you think about matters
If you think about negative: you attract negative
If you think about positive: you attract positive
(if you spill your coffee on you on your way to work, you think your day is ruined and it’s going to be a bad day- GUESS WHAT: it will be a bad day)
Start your day right
Mel Robbin’s High Five Habit www.melrobbins.com
What is a high-five?
When do we high-five?
What happens when you high-five yourself in the mirror?
We give high five’s as mini-celebrations. High five’s are always accompanied by a smile. It’s virtually impossible to give one without the smile attached. If you high-five yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning it can reset the first thought you are having about yourself into a positive one.
A Smile, real or fake, releases feel-good hormones.
TAKING BREAKS: This is a non-negotiable
You will break if you don’t take one.
What is the best way to reset a computer: turn it off and THEN turn it back on.
We know how to push the pause button on videos, etc.
How to hit the pause button on your busy-ness:
Unplug Go outside (Nature)
Listen to music
Take a walk Meditate
Take a nap Coffee break
Eat a meal Color
How to make the unconscious action conscious.
Box Breathing: encourages a full inhale and a full exhale
Inhale to the count of 4
Pause (holding the breath) to the count of 4
Exhale to the count of 4
Pause to the count of 4
Yoga: anywhere/any time
https://youtu.be/L5SApop1lOY (quick video for some quick moves you can do at work). YouTube: Yoga in Scrubs
Yoga means “to yoke”- to yoke breath with movement
Balance poses- Tree
One foot off the floor
Stretches- Seated Cat/Cow
Neck stretches
Shoulder Stretches
Set boundaries.
Food Prep
Eat the Rainbow
cook a whole chicken (or get a rotisserie chicken), shred for multiple weeknight meals, salads, or sandwiches
Prep fruit and vege’s into bags or containers
Jar salads
Jar ramen
Jar overnight oatmeal
“Bento box”
Crockpot meat for shredding
Hydration: Recommendation for women 11.5 cups of H2O per day.
Tip: Drink a cup of water every hour
OR Take your weight in pounds and divide by 2 and drink that many ounces of H2O daily. (ex: you weigh 160 lbs, you drink 80 oz. water per day)
Your permission to rest.
Create a nightly ritual: do the same things every bedtime to allow your body to recognize it is time to wind down.
Turn off electronics an hour before bed.
Warm bath or shower
Yoga or stretches
Warm drink
No caffeine after noon (or midnight for night shifters)
Same wake and go to sleep times every day.